Beauty Boxes: Are they worth it?

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I was scrolling through Instagram, trying to think of a topic for this week’s blog and it hit me. Advertisement after advertisement were beauty boxes. Ipsy, boxycharm, fabfitfun, birchbox…you name it. If you are not familiar with beauty boxes, basically they are subscription boxes that you pay a flat rate and receive varying beauty (makeup, skincare, hair care, fragrance, nail polish) items in each one, normally monthly! As a frequent subscriber and unsubscriber to these boxes, I can say with confidence that not all beauty boxes are made the same! Not all of them are for everyone, and before you subscribe, thinking well, I can always just unsubscribe, let’s review them shall we?

*I am only going to discuss the ones that I have personally subscribed to, so I can be as honest as possible!

1.Ipsy Glam Bag Related imageImage result for ipsy glam bag

Ipsy was the very first subscription box I ever subscribed to! Michelle Phan, one of the founders of Ipsy, was a huge influence to my younger self aspiring to learn all things beauty on Youtube.

  • How do they choose the products? -You fill out a questionnaire when you sign up which tells them at Ipsy what products would best suit you in your bag.

  • How much does it cost? -At only $10 a month, this bag is affordable for almost any budget.

  • What kind of items do I get? -You receive 5 items, this includes 1-2 full size products, includes makeup, skincare, haircare and nails

My experience and thoughts

When I had ipsy, I always felt just a little disappointed. The items are deluxe sample size mostly, which are good for travel or for your purse, but if you are like me…they will get lost in a drawer or somewhere else. I did enjoy collecting the bags that the products come in, as it is different every month! Overall this beauty box is best for those who:

  • are on a budget
  • like smaller sized items
  • want to try the different brands, including indie
  • less experienced with makeup and need help with product purchasing


2. Boxy CharmRelated image

I originally subscribed to Boxy Charm after seeing it on social media and Youtube so often. They have fantastic marketing! I also switched to this box after Ipsy, because I felt like this would fit my needs better, which is definitely did.

  • How do they choose the products? -Everyone receives the same products in their box each month.

  • How much does it cost? -A little bit more pricey at $21 a month but valued at over $100 each box.

  • What kind of items do I get? -4-5 full size items, usually luxury brands!

My experience and thoughts

Boxycharm really is an awesome box. The box is always valued very high, and although $21 a month may seem high, you really get your money’s worth. This box is great for people who want to try new, trendy products as they include a lot of popular brands and up and coming ones. The full size products are a hit for me, but if you do not think that you can use that many products or collect beauty products, it may be too much. The biggest miss with this box is that everyone receives the same box, so if you want it to be personalized, this one is not for you. Overall this box is best for those who:

  • want full sized items
  • want more bang for their buck
  • enjoy trying trendy beauty products


3. Play! by Sephora  Related image

As a Sephora junkie, this box seemed like such a no-brainer. I figured if I enjoyed a product, I can easily purchase the full size from Sephora and this would get me to try different products I maybe would not think about using.

  • How do they choose the products? -Upon subscription, you complete a Play profile. This is very similar to Ipsy, and they are able to give you products based on preferences, skin type and tone.

  • How much does it cost? -Also affordable at only $10 a month.

  • What kind of items do I get? -5 deluxe samples, all available for purchase at Sephora as well as a 50 bonus beauty insider points to apply to your account.

My experience and thoughts

Sephora Play was similar to ipsy, but also very different. I recognized the brands 99% of the time, since I am a frequent Sephora shopper. The products come in a box, like Boxycharm, but it does include a reusable cloth bag that fits each month’s theme. I enjoyed this box, but after having Ipsy before, I remembered why I chose to unsubscribe. I usually enjoyed my products, but found myself not using all of the samples or discovering any real favorites. I did enjoy that each month seemed to include products from different categories such as makeup, skincare, hair, and scent. Overall, I think this box is best for those who:

  • are on a budget
  • are already Sephora shoppers and enjoy the brands they carry
  • want smaller sized items
  • want personalized items

Final Thoughts

I think that beauty boxes are an awesome way to get your beauty fix, without going shopping and spending too much! I would recommend Boxy Charm for those who are already interested in makeup and skincare but want to be sent new, trendy items. If you are new to makeup and beauty, the Ipsy glam bag is a great way to try different brands and get into the world of beauty with little commitment and money. The Sephora subscription box is really best for die hard Sephora lovers. I really disliked that the bonus points came in card form and did not go on your account unless you brought it to the store for them to scan! It felt more like a box to try and make money than other boxes that satisfy your spending habits.

I know there are plenty more beauty boxes out there, so which ones have you tried? What are you thinking of trying? Let me know in the comments!!

Links to boxes:

Boxy Charm


Play by Sephora






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