Curology: is it worth it?

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First, I want to thank all the new readers for liking and following my blog- it inspires me to keep writing and researching, so thank you.

This week, we are diving headfirst into a full review and my critique of Curology. First of all, I want to address that I have not signed up for Curology or used any of the products-but I feel like I gathered a lot of information from the internet, compared it with my knowledge, and can give a good synopsis of what to expect with this company, and if I believe it is worth trying.

Curology: what is it?

Curology has popped up all over social media. I’ve seen it on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. At first, I assumed it was just a scammy skin care line and didn’t look into it. But then I saw some of my favorite YouTubers talking about and using it in their videos, and the repetition of advertisements got me truly interested. Curology is a customized skin care regimen made for you by professional providers. You snap pictures of your skin, take an assessment, and your provider curates a custom super bottle just for you. Some of the subscription plans also include a general cleanser and moisturizer that can be used for all skin types.

How much does it cost?

They have 3 plans:

1. 3 step plan shipped every 60 days costs $59.90 (free s&h), includes cleanser, super bottle and moisturizer

2. Larger super bottle that is shipped every 60 days costs $39.90 (free s&h), does not include cleanser or moisturizer

3. One month supply of your super bottle, costs $19.95 + 4.95 s&h

What makes it different than other skincare lines?

Curology is based on the premise that your skin has specific needs, and that everyone should be using products that are curated specifically for it.

I totally agree with this!

Skin care is not a one size fits all, and there are so many products available now that people are often confused as to what their skin really needs.

I was very curious as to what ingredients they put in your curology superbottle that makes this so customized and “perfect” for acne or anti-aging (what they recommend their products mostly used for). I hopped on YouTube and watched some reviews of real people who purchased curology and what their experiences were with the brand. Out of almost 10 videos, I only came across 1 where the person said it wasn’t perfect for her skin. Everyone else was very happy with their results and excited to share them to an audience. I noticed a trend with the active Ingredients in several people’s super bottles, and when referencing the website, I noticed that they interchange a few different actives.

  • Azelaic Acid (pronounced az-e-la-ic), which is a topical antiseptic that treats rosacea and severe acne. It has become popular when treating a variety of inflammatory skin conditions. I have used products that contains azelaic acid and have noticed good results on my clients with acne.
  • Clindamycin, prescription needed antibiotic that treats various skin infections
  • Niacinamide, form of vitamin B3 that helps build keratin (protein that keeps skin firm and healthy), it also minimizes redness, regulates oil and is a powerful antioxidant to protect your skin from the sun
  • Zinc Pyrithione, anti-fungal and antibacterial that treats seborrheic dermatitis
  • Tretinoin, prescription strength vitamin A derivative commonly used for acne and anti-aging, affects skin’s production of oil
  • Tranexamic Acid, prescription needed product that strongly improves the appearance of skin discoloration
  • Metronidazole, prescription needed product mainly used for rosacea and redness, decreases swelling

(Image taken directly from curology website, before and after usage)

As you can see, some of these ingredients are prescription strength which is what sets curology apart from your over the counter skin care. I compare this to an online doctor visit or FaceTime call, they can get the information they need based on medical history, your skin health survey, and hopefully some good photos, and curate a medicine for you.

The biggest difference is the personal feeling of actually going to a dermatologist office. I believe if you are suffering from acne or wanting powerful anti-aging, going to a dermatologist office and allowing a medical esthetician and/or the doctor to feel your skin can help ensure you aren’t using something stronger than you need. That is one of the biggest things I learned in school…always touch, feel, examine the skin before doing anything.

That being said, I don’t discount the easiness and convenience of Curology. I myself have used online doctor visits in the past and they saved me alot of time. Especially in today’s age where we do so much through our phones, it only makes sense that dermatology would hop on the bandwagon.

Overview and Final Thoughts

Overall, I think Curology is worth checking out for certain people. If you suffer from acne especially and are looking for prescription strength medicine for your skin, this could be great for you. The active ingredients that I discussed earlier are all great for numerous inflammatory disorders and I don’t think you will be disappointed there. As far as the cleanser and moisturizer go, they both look like good gentle products.

If you suffer from any of these forms of acne shown below, the super bottle would probably work great to clear it up. Remember that acne is a skin condition that consists of several lesions. If you suffer from only a few, they are most likely not genetic and could be cleared up using less harsh medication. Always get a professional opinion!

The superbottle or “medicine” that you receive comes well under an ounce of product, with the 2 month supply a bit shy of a full ounce. The full size cleanser is 2.7 ounces and the moisturizer is 1.7 ounces. If you are spending $60 every 2 months for all 3, that adds up quickly! I would view Curology as the same as going to a doctor and getting medicine to cure an ailment, with the goal being to clear up the ailment, therefore discontinuing the medicine. So you won’t be spending this money forever, hopefully after one to two cycles there is a big difference in your skin. It is up to you if you want to purchase the supplemental products or not, but I would pay attention to the fact that most full size cleansers and moisturizers should last you much longer than 60 days, when used morning and night.

($15 for 12 fl oz of a popular facial cleanser, available over the counter)

What are your thoughts? Are you interested in curology or online dermatology? Do you think it takes away from the personal feeling of going to a medical facialist? Let me know below!

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