The Truth about your Pores

Hello and welcome back to the blog! For today’s topic, I really want to focus on something that I get questions about frequently at the spa…pores. I hear,”Why are my pores so big? How do I make them go away? They must be full of oils and grime- clean them out!”I’ve come to realize there are numerous misconceptions about pores. I, for one, had no idea what the really were before I entered Esthetician school. Once you get some understanding of them, you can utilize better products for your skin type. So let’s get started!

A pore is a hair follicle. The only place we don’t have hair follicles on our body are the palms of our hands and the soles of our feet. These pores are small openings that release oils or sweat. On the face, the sebaceous glands produce sebum (oil) that lubricates and moisturizes the skin naturally. Our bodies are pretty awesome! However, there are multiple reasons as to why this system may not work as perfectly.

  • Genetics play a huge role in determining skin type and pore size
  • Environmental stress (pollution, climate, sun damage) affect pores
  • Age changes pore size over time
  • Not using the correct skincare!

I learned the saying in school, “pores are not doors, they do not open and close”. Which I always try to explain to my clients. You cannot open them up and then close them. Having pores at are less visible does not mean your skin is necessarily perfect, and it doesn’t mean that you are dirty either if you have large pores! Our skin has a great system in place, but it needs our help. Also, as we age, the collagen production in our skin (which keeps it firm) decreases and skin becomes drier, making pores appear saggier. This may be more noticeable on some people.Here’s an image showing how our pores get clogged

Tips to make your pores appear smaller:-Properly cleanse the skin twice a day and finish with SPF in the morning, and moisturizer at night. But do not over cleanse! If you are stripping your skin, the skin works double time and produces more sebum to make up for it, which causes your skin to become out of balance.-Get Facials!!! Facials dramatically help to keep the skin clean and properly exfoliated, which prevents the build up of dirt and oils in the pore, causing pimples. I recommend monthly treatments for prevention and maintaining skin clarity.-Use chemical exfoliants. Keeping those pores clean is what helps to make them appear smaller. The natural system of the pore is meant to shed dead skin, but it doesn’t always work properly. I like to opt for salicylic, glycolic, or azelaic acid to work below the surface of the skin. You can purchase these in different compositions, such as serums, creams, or treatment pads.

-Use non-comedogenic moisturizers. If you have drier skin, your pores are naturally going to be much smaller. You also may feel like slapping on coconut oil because your skin is dry. Don’t! Coconut oil is highly comedogenic, meaning it clogs pores. This is just one example, but there are several products that can be too heavy for the facial skin! Also, this doesn’t mean you have to use a light weight moisturizer. Sunflower oil, for example, is highly moisturizing, and is non comedogenic.

-Use silicone based makeup primers or creams. Silicone will smooth the surface of the skin, and fill in pores making them appear invisible! Although it is temporary until you wash it off, it can give you the look you are wanting to achieve.

My most important pointer is to have realistic goals. Understand that pores are a function of the skin…we need them! Going to an esthetician for a skin consultation is a perfect way to start using better home products to keep the skin clean and healthy. Your pores won’t close up and that’s okay- we just want them to work synergistically with our body.

Do you notice your pores in the mirror? Did you know they were hair follicles?? Let me know in the comments!


Images from Google

6 thoughts on “The Truth about your Pores

    1. Great question! Waxing causes trauma to the hair follicle, causing it to grow back slower. It also leaves more room for possible infections, so post waxing is super important. It doesn’t change the size of pores, though!

  1. Very informative blog. I have a question, is silicone make-up non-comedogenic or do we need to be concerned about it clogging our pores?

    1. Great question! So blackheads and pimples are both forms of comedones, where pimples are closed and occur deeper in the pore, a blackhead is open and occurs closer to the surface. The bacteria is exposed to oxygen, causing it to oxidize and become dark in color!

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